Episode 5
Luke Worsham Has My Dream Job
Football Is Family is part of the Sports History Network - The Headquarters For Your Favorite Sport's Yesteryear.
I can tell you this- I love my job. I love the people, the time, the work, and the situations that my job gives me. I’m sure you can say that about jobs that you have had or have now. If you have a dream job, what would it be? When I was growing up, I wanted to play video games for a living. Now, working for the Tennessee Titans would be my dream job. What if you have the chance to work alongside NFL teams, players, coaches, and executives? I know every job has its highs and lows, but imagine being able to work alongside the NFL every day? Today, my interview is with a man who gets to do just that. I’m going to let him introduce himself in a moment, and I know you are going to enjoy his story. Speaking of story, if you have a story about why a certain NFL team is your favorite, and why it is family, message me @jeremy_mcfarlin on Twitter and we will try to get you on the show.
For more about this episode, check out the show notes.