Episode 7

Cleveland Browns History (with lifelong fan - Chad)

Football Is Family is part of the Sports History Network - The Headquarters For Your Favorite Sport's Yesteryear.

 If you are like me (a fan of football), you are aware of the good and the bad of the NFL. You have probably watched many hours of football follies, outtakes, and the like. You have also watched many hours of great catches, great drives, and memorable moments. That’s what football fans do- we watch everything we can about the NFL. In experiencing the good, you also experience the bad. The new-look Cleveland Browns, and their fans, have experienced the bad. Ever since the Browns were reborn in 1999, they haven’t had much to be happy about. I believe that’s changing now, but, for over 20 years, the Browns have been stuck in the mud so to speak.

To learn more about this episode, head here to the website.

About the Podcast

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Football Is Family
Sharing the greatest sports' stories from the greatest sport's fans.

About your host

Profile picture for Jeremy McFarlin

Jeremy McFarlin

Growing up in Middle Tennessee, I didn’t have a pro football team that was close enough to me to feel a part of. My first memory of pro football was Super
Bowl 22. I picked the Broncos to win, and, even though they didn’t win, I followed them from that point on.

John Elway was (and is) my favorite player. I have played as the Broncos on Tecmo Bowl, Tecmo Bowl Super Bowl, Madden, and 2K Sports. I fondly remember the moments when the Broncos won Super Bowls 32 and 33.

Around this time, the Oilers came to Tennessee. I was hooked. I finally had a team just down the road from my home town of Bon Aqua. Oiler (and later Titans) mania hit this area. Jerseys, hats, footballs, merchandise, and several autographs later, I’m a Titans fan through and through.
It’s the dedication, the love, and the passion for football that helps me realize that football is family. Each fan base has a story, a history, and a love for their team. That’s what I want to talk about each and every podcast.

You can follow me @jeremy_mcfarlin. Message me if you want to share your reasons why your football team is family.